Well, we’re all about you, and how your gonna get there!
Welcome to your ultimate resource hub for brand growth, business expansion, nonprofit development, and the launch of your exciting ideas. Here, you’ll discover a comprehensive range of information meticulously curated from countless hours spent navigating Google, seeking funding solutions during our journey of building this business in New Zealand amidst the challenges of COVID-19.
What you’ll find on this page is not influenced by any financial gain — these are genuine opportunities we've identified and compiled to save you valuable time and effort in your own search for answers. We believe in sharing knowledge that empowers you to thrive. Additionally, we proudly partner with four organisations, Regional Business Partners, Poutama Trust, Te Rūngana o Ngāi Tahu and Te Putahitanga o Te Waipounamu. This is detailed separately at the bottom of the page, to further support you on this transformative journey. They all discount / provide free of charge Inspiring Design Coaching & Development services and workshops.

Self-employment start up payment
If you're starting a business and need help with essential start up costs, eg furniture or the first lot of stock, we may be able to help.
Supports the very best innovative businesses at the “getting ready to go to market” stage of their innovation journey. Those businesses have done most of the tricky research and development for their game-changing creation (Ārohia Trailblazer does not fund R&D costs) but they need that critical funding to finally bring their new product or service to market.
Offer funding and support for businesses and organisations in primary industries. This includes climate change, farming, fishing and aquaculture, food and fibre sectors, Māori agribusiness, disaster and crisis support, integrated farm planning, and regional economic development.
ASPIRE FUND: Invests directly into these early-stage Kiwi technology start-ups at proof of concept, seed, and early expansion investment stages. Although a generalist fund, they are weighting more of our future investments into deep-tech (including agri-tech, food-tech, clean-tech, life sciences, space, AI and machine learning) and supporting emerging sectors that are currently relatively under-served by private sector investors.
ELEVATE FUND: is a government-funded $300m fund of funds programme, investing into venture capital funds; aimed at filling the Series A and B capital gap for high-growth Kiwi technology companies
Support for artists, practitioners and groups at an early stage of their career.
Support for artists and practitioners working independently or collaborating with others for a specific purpose or project.
Support for organisations and groups with a long-term vision or purpose.
Apply for funding for initiatives that make a positive difference to the environment from MfE and other organisations.
Funding for agriculture and primary sector funding, climate change funding, and research programs.
Supports problem-solving and innovation in New Zealand’s food and fibre sector by co-investing in initiatives that make a positive and lasting difference. We fund a range of projects – from smaller projects that cost less than $100,000 to multi-million-dollar, multi-year programmes.

Poutama is reasonably flexible on the types of activities we can support. The main thing for you to be aware of is how a grant will positively impact and help grow your business. Poutama will work alongside you to ensure that both your investment and our investment are used for maximum benefit for your business. Given that demand on Poutama’s investment services often exceeds our ability to supply, you need to consider carefully how Poutama’s investment services can help. We encourage you to make contact with us to explore possibilities.
MWDI Supports wāhine Māori and their whānau in business they provide micro-loans, business coaching & financial capability programmes.
Business Mentoring.
Stay Up Grants – $5000 to support you through your stay up phase. (Please note that grant applications for 2024 close on 20 October. Applications for grants will reopen in 2025.)
Free listing on the Ngāi Tahu whānau pakihi directory.
Referrals to other organisations and specialist support services.
Access to promotion through Ngāi Tahu communications channels (with your permission).
The Innovation Fund has been created to back Māori to realise opportunities within the Māori primary sector economy.
The fund will support the development of innovative practices and products to create improved outcomes and benefits for Māori.
Applications can cover the entire primary sector value chain from production, to processing and export. The fund will consider initiatives involving horticulture, aquaculture, agriculture, and forestry.
Mentoring and support only - Are you looking to launch or scale up you startup? Perhaps you have been working on a startup idea for a while or have been developing a new product and would like some help to work through them?
We are the Whānau Ora commissioning agency for Te Waipounamu. We work on behalf of eight Te Waipounamu iwi to determine the best ways to support whānau development.
Our approach aims to create social impact by investing directly in initiatives developed by whānau or community groups. We also support a significant workforce of Whānau Ora Navigators who work directly with whānau to support them to develop their own pathway plans.

Small to medium sized, community-based organisations, who do not have large inhouse marketing or fundraising resources and are providing direct social services to whanau/families and individuals.
Applications are considered for: Project costs, social services, purchases under $3,000 and operating expenses including: rent, utilities, salaries/wages.
Most Grants are between $2,000 and $10,000.
Non-profit community groups and organisations delivering community-based social services, projects and events. Grants are one-off contributions for:
the running or operational costs of organisations that provide community-based social services
community development costs, such as hui, training, planning, evaluation and facilitator fees
community projects or event costs that:
encourage participation in communities
promote community leadership
promote social, economic and cultural equity.
Your organisation must have less than $2 million annual operating expenditure for each of the past two years to make a request to COGS.
Grants support organisations capable of delivering change, which are well connected to their community.
We support organisations working to reduce barriers and improve outcomes for communities of need across our funding regions.
Small grants, under $20,000. Large grants over $20,000.
Also has a sector for building grants for over $100,000
Arts & Culture Capability Fund
This contestable fund is jointly run with the Dunedin City Council and is only available to Arts & Culture organisations based in the Dunedin City boundary which are committed to supporting and contributing to Ara Toi Otepoti: Our Creative Future - Dunedin’s Arts and Culture Strategy.
Organisations may apply for up to $7,500 for assistance with arts capability building. One of the priorities of this fund will be to support organisations that are interested in collaborating with others and to support the sustainability, development and innovation of arts and culture groups across the city.
General Capability Fund
This fund is aimed at strengthening the systems of service delivery for not-for-profit Organisations across Otago.
Organisations may apply for up to $5,000 for assistance with capability building.
Tamariki & Rangatahi Sector Capability Fund
This fund is a part of the Otago Community Trust’s funding suite to support our Tamariki and Rangatahi Strategy. This Capability fund is designed to strengthen the tamariki and rangatahi (children and young people) sector to allow organisations to grow and succeed.
Not-for-profit organisations can apply for up to $10,000 for projects that develop organisational capability. Larger amounts may be considered if the project has potential for signifcant and wide-reaching impact, is a collaboration of several youth organisations and will impact a large number of staff/volunteers.
Is a small philanthropic trust that provides approximately $4m of funding each year. Our primary focus is to fund community organisations and initiatives whose purpose and goals are aligned with our vision of “a socially just and inclusive Aotearoa New Zealand”, and which aim to advance equity through transformational, systemic change.
Funds are available for charitable, philanthropic or cultural purposes that benefits the local community. Funding is distributed between the areas of community, which includes arts and culture (30%), health (15%), sport (40%) and education (15%).
Grants allocated are less than $5,000 per applicant. Most are between $500 and $3,000 dependent on the number of applications received. As we are a complementary rather than a primary funder, priority is given to organisations that have sought other sources of funding first. Only one application for one project per year will be accepted.
The Trustees will consider applications for playgrounds (provided that they are able to be used by the wider community). You may apply for:
Up to $10,000 for a small upgrade to an existing playground
Up to $20,000 for large redevelopments or new playgrounds
The Trustees will consider applications for library books up to $2,000. Library equipment will not be funded.
We are always open for applications that benefit the community. In most cases, applications are processed within 20 working days. Requests for grants of $30,000 or more are reviewed at the next available monthly Board of Trustees HUmeeting.
The Trust welcomes applications for Stockmans grants from new and existing groups operating within the Waikato region once in any 12 month timeframe. Our Stockmans grants are for applications up to and including $20,000.The Trust will consider applications over $20,000 from groups who align with our strategic focus and provide projects and programmes of significant benefit to Waikato communities. Groups wishing to partner with us to receive grants over $20,000 are invited to complete an expression of interest form.
We do not have a funding application process, preferring to pro-actively reach out to organisations we want to work with. We are currently fully committed with our long-term funding partners, however if you would still like to reach out and connect, you can contact us at info@hgfoundation.co.nz
Our partnerships with these providers allows us to offer exclusive discounts…
We believe every business needs a solid plan. This template, based on over 30+ resources, is the same tool we’ve used to secure funding and align goals. Its reusable, user-friendly design ensures you can update it yearly as your business grows.
Why This Template is Essential:
Goal Clarity: Define and align your objectives with a focused, professional plan.
Funding-Ready: Perfectly structured for funding applications.
Flexible Format: Revisit and refresh it annually to stay on track.
What’s Included:
A comprehensive template covering goals, financial planning, and audience insights.
A customisable Canva link to easily match your branding.