Funding Service Providers we work with
Funding Service Providers we work with 〰️
When you’re starting your business or looking to grow - financial support to contribute to costs is always something you think of. You hear other small businesses talking about funding and even I have received funding for the growth of Inspiring Design & Co.
But what is it? Where do you find it? How do you apply for it? Why is it so secret and difficult to figure out?
Here’s an introduction to the Funding Providers I partner with, who support small New Zealand Business owners with their business start-up and growth.
Otago Region Business Partner Network
Regional Business Partner Network works directly with NZ business owners – providing you with targeted training where you need it most. They aim to help you strengthen and grow your business in many different ways, including funding for training and advice that would benefit your business.
Funded by the New Zealand government, the RBP Network consists of 14 regional growth agencies throughout the country. This means you’ll get support from people who live and work in your region.
Te Puni Kokiri
Te Puni Kōkiri is the Government’s principal policy advisor on Māori wellbeing and development.
We partner with Te Puni Kokiri to support their Strategic focus for Maori Economic Resilience to Champion the growth and opportunities for iwi and Māori business.
Providing services, by Māori, for Māori and with Māori, to support the growth and sustainability of your business.
Their aim is to help Māori enterprises build their capacity and capability to ensure they are supported to thrive, in areas such as Management, Finance, Strategy, Marketing and Sales, Risk Assessment, and Digital Capability.
Te Kupeka Umaka Māori ki Āraiteuru
KUMA have been proudly supporting Maori business growth since 2005.
They aim to enhance your business exposure, your network and build your skillset.
KUMA hosts regular events to connect Māori across the Southern region, and their workshops are designed to accelerate business and individual growth.
We work alongside Kuma offering our services to their members, as well as co-hosting their Mana Wāhine Coaching & Mentoring Program for our local wāhine running their own pākihi.
Te Pūtahitanga o Te Waipounamu
Te Pūtahitanga o Te Waipounamu has funding streams available for whānau living in Te Waipounamu, Rakiura, and Rekohu/Wharekauri.
Their funding is unique – some are targeted to specific groups or kaupapa, while others are open to anyone with an idea, some are available year-round while others are seasonal.
Whatever your needs, they have the fund for you.
Active Tāmaki Makaurau
Late 2021, the Government announced a support package for Auckland businesses affected by COVID-19 alert level restrictions.
This package was designed to help Auckland businesses access:
• advice and planning support
• support to implement advice and planning
• health and wellbeing support
• business community resources
Activate Tāmaki Makaurau was set up to connect existing Auckland businesses with that support. It is an opportunity to assist the business community to navigate the current environment and build more resilient businesses by supporting them to work through tough decisions, seize future opportunities and adapt where necessary to enable businesses to thrive.
We personally know the amazing support you can receive from these providers when it comes to starting and growing your business, and we’re proud to be able to offer our services to other businesses thanks to these partnerships.
You can book a consultation with us if you want to know how we can support you as a Service Provider.
If you’re keen to get resource, training and funding support - click on the ‘apply for funding’ button below.